Our very successful patented brand IPRO -The India Property Show offers a slice of the best buys in real estate from India devoted to Indian NRIs and others who have a strong business potential and are particularly interested in the property investment community. The IPRO –The India Property Show Brand focuses on attributes of the organization ,the people, culture, values and programs of the company creating such organization attributes as innovation, a drive for quality and concern for the environment IPRO is a BRAND with a very strong SYMBOL in its Home country India and amongst the Indian Diaspora worldwide providing cohesion and structure to its identity and is a well established brand with easy recognition and recall value . Its strong visual image captures much of its respective brand’s identity because connections between the symbol and the identity elements have been built up over time in regions where the Indian Diaspora are widely present. It just takes a glance to be reminded of the brand with consistent exhibitions conducted in these regions and has become the indispensable partner to its patrons for profit-driven offers and deals in the Indian real estate business. IHEX-The Indian Higher Exhibition Expo is another important brand promoted by Pan-Eastern Trade and Exhibitors Worldwide dedicated to provide a golden opportunity for aspiring foreign nationals as well as the Indian NRI students to hone and excel their academic pursuit by choosing approved and accredited educational institutes to pursue their higher education in India . Team Our team powered with restless energy, unique ideas take up every challenge with... Read More...Who we are Pan-Eastern T & E Worldwide has emerged as India's leading exhibition company delivering exhibit... Read More...Strategy Each Pan-Eastern event is a perfect mix of publicity, marketing and P.R and we leave... Read More...Knowledge Center Exhibitions are one of the most powerful, versatile and cost-effective marketing tools available to ... Read More... |